by Myers-Briggs Typology to be exact.
I find online personality tests a bit fun, you get to know yourself better and usually learn stuff about yourself that you might have not noticed before. No one knows you better than yourself, so you'd pretty much be able to judge instantly how you are defined, and on these test, what you do defines who you are.

here is a link to the quick test: link
The test is pretty famous as it has multiple online versions.

Here is a sample of my results:

My test results have deviations from one another, but my main personality is introverted. (which i think is true ^_^ )
Thanks for posting a link to my site. I'm glad you enjoyed the test. I have listed your blog, with it's link, under INTP.
Have and outstanding day!
Thanks. your blog contain good infor about games.
I am taking the test...
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